
Tribute to Endi

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Joel Marcey

It is with great sadness to announce that our primary external Docusaurus contributor, Endilie Yacop Sucipto (Endi to those who knew him), passed away over the weekend after an illness associated with his bout with cancer.

It is impossible to overstate Endi's impact on this project:

Thinking about it now, it is absolutely amazing how much Endi accomplished on Docusaurus given what he was battling with his health.

We are working on ways to honor Endi's contributions - a commemorative sticker, possibly - and we are open to ideas. Leave a comment here or tweet if you have a suggestion.

The Docusaurus project will not be the same without Endi, and those of us who worked with him will miss him greatly. 😔

A photo from behind Endi's back, with Endi sitting on a rock cliff, facing the vast sea. His right hand forms a V pose.